Homeopathic Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster : Bad To Squeeze Fluid Out Cold Sore Best Cold Sore Management And Treatments Options - Bad To Squeeze Fluid Out Cold Sore - Best Cold Sore Management And Treatments OptionsIs it bad to squeeze fluid out cold sore ? The simple answer to this question is: Yes, it is bad to do that because this "cold sore" could be caused by a type of herpes virus and is contagious. The sore itself as well as the fluid in it sheds the virus so, if you touch the area with your hand and then rub your eye or touch any other person or place on the body, you can spread the virus. You may want to use an astringent such as witch hazel or I have had success with Clearisil to dry up the sore quicker . But use caution; the virus can be shed before the sore appears and for a short time after it is gone. Never squeeze a sore of any kind! It will always contain a pathogen and likely be con ... [Read More - Homeopathic Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster]
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